Whether you’re looking to get a great workout or want a way to de-stress, swimming can help. Not only does it give you a full body workout without any strain on your joints, but it also releases endorphins and other natural pain relievers. Plus, it’s a great stress-relieving exercise and can be done by anyone of any fitness level.

Among all the benefits to doing swimming, here are our favorites:

Lowers Stress levels

It’s no secret that stress is a major contributing factor to so many illnesses and health conditions. From headaches to high blood pressure to heart problems, it’s common for people to feel stressed out on a regular basis.

In fact, more than 75% of Americans are reported to experience stress on a regular basis. That’s why so many experts recommend getting a little physical exercise, like swimming, to counteract negative stress and improve overall health.

Reduces your risk of diabetes

Keeping your blood sugar levels balanced is one of the best ways to prevent illness and keep yourself healthy. But even if you already have diabetes, a 2016 study found that three times a week of high-intensity swimming can increase insulin sensitivity and blood sugar balance.

 Builds lung capacity

Breathing deeply can help reduce the effects of anxiety and depression. And, because a regular swimming routine is low impact and can be done by anyone, it’s an ideal choice for people who struggle with breathing issues or asthma.

 Improves your flexibility

It may seem like swimming focuses on your legs and arms, but you’re actually working your entire body. The water’s resistance also makes it a good workout for your glutes and back muscles, which are often ignored in other exercises.

 Helps you sleep better

If you’re a chronic insomniac, try swimming before bed. Research has shown that swimming for just 20 minutes a day can improve your sleep quality and reduce stress levels.

Helps with PTSD and other mental illness

It’s no secret that stress can be a major contributing factor to many mental health issues, from anxiety and depression to PTSD and other traumatic events. But a recent study has shown that regular swimmers had a lower rate of these ailments than non-swimmers.

Improves your memory

If you find it difficult to remember things or have a hard time keeping track of daily tasks, swimming might be the answer for you. It is a calming activity and can help you focus on the task at hand, which could improve your memory.

Promotes mental health

It may be hard to believe, but swimming can make you happier and feel more positive. In fact, a UK study found that swimmers experienced a 35% decrease in stress and improved their moods.

It’s a great exercise for women

If you’re not into squatting or lifting weights, swimming is a gentle form of exercising that can be performed by anyone. And, because it doesn’t stress your joints, it’s ideal for people who suffer from conditions like arthritis and multiple sclerosis.

The Benefits of Running

Running is a health fitness exercise that can benefit every part of your body and lift your mood. It is also one of the easiest and most convenient ways to get in a workout.

You can easily run on the sidewalk, in your driveway or at your local park. In fact, you don’t even need a gym membership or expensive equipment — just a pair of shoes and a pair of running socks can be all you need to get out there.

It helps reduce your risk of obesity and chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis and heart disease.

If you are a beginner, start with short runs, and gradually work your way up to longer distances. It is important to include stretching and cool-down exercises after a run so that your muscles can recover properly, and avoid overstretching or overuse injuries.

As you begin to run regularly

Over time, your heart and lungs become more efficient. This means that they can pump and take in more blood than before, allowing you to run for longer without becoming winded.

This is why many people choose running to get their heart healthy. Studies have shown that running can decrease your resting heart rate by as much as 30 percent, which can cut your chances of a heart attack in half.

The average person can start running with just 10 minutes a day and still see benefits. For some people, running is the only form of exercise they can do, so it’s important to incorporate it into their daily routine.

Adding a run to your regular fitness routine can help you stay motivated and achieve your goals. It’s also a good way to mix up your exercise routine and try different types of training.

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